Thursday, September 13, 2007

Introducing Andrew Lock

I was squirreling around on Amazon and came across some interesting-looking eBay books, so I bought them to see if anything earth-shattering or mind-bending could be unearthed.

The books are:

Titanium Ebay: A Tactical Guide to Becoming a Millionaire PowerSeller
Ebay Exposed: How to Really Make Money Selling on Ebay
Three Weeks to eBay Profits: Go from Beginner to Successful Seller in Less than a Month

(Note to self: If I ever write a book, the title MUST contain a colon in order to sell)

Before I give you the results, a bit of a disclaimer: I don't have a product source yet. I didn't exercise what these books preach. But there is a reason to this, and I'll tell you what that is in a second.

Titanium Ebay - Ummm... Isn't this stuff pretty much anyone would know either through examining Ebay's website, or just plain logic/experience. Not a page-turner. I think it's at the 20,000 ft level whereas the reader is probably expecting more of a "how-to".

Ebay Exposed - Fan-freakin'-tastic. Really.

Three Weeks... - To be honest, I haven't read this one. It just doesn't interest me. I browsed through it, and it just seems like the boring old stuff that was in Titanium Ebay -- e.g. Sign up for an account, browse other auctions to see how other people do it, buy a few things... seems to be fluff, but again, I haven't read but the first chapter. It may get better.

Back to eBay Exposed.

Sure, the title sounds all gimmick-y, the book is thin, and the print is large, but this guy, Andrew Lock, gets down to business FAST. It's a quick read and a lot of it goes against conventional wisdom.

I can't put even a fraction of what's in the book here. That's probably plagiarism anyway. But I can tell you it's worth the $8 or whatever it costs.

Just as a warning, the book does try to up-sell you on Andrew's H3 system, but there are a number of jems in the book that you can implement without the H3 system. Buy the looks of it, the H3 System is more for information products anyway.

At the back of the book was a "FREE* Offer!" -- the * being the $20 for shipping the free offer. (There's no affiliate program - I'm not pushing anything, I thought you might want to take a look.) I bit. I ordered it. What I received was okay, nothing to get my panties bunched up about. Shipping was super-fast.

I received 5 CDs - 4 of them were audios of interviews Andrew had with various business gurus. The interviews pretty much went over what was in the book. I can't say for certain that I learned anything from it. The 5th CD was supposed to be "The Ultimate Ebay Resource Kit", but the CD was blank. I emailed the customer service, they said they'd send me another.

The Resource kit turned out to be a list of vendors that offer different services for an eBay business. I had only heard of a handful, so I'm anxious to look through the list more thoroughly. (stay tuned to later posts for the results of those reviews)

The last thing included for the $20 is supposed to be Andrew's print newsletter which is like $40 a month or something. It's supposed to be free for 3 months. I haven't gotten it yet, so I can't tell you if it's worth anything.

But the reason I haven't gotten off my duff and sold anything on eBay is that I'm waiting for my H3 training system to come.

I know, I know. I ate the bait, hook line and sinker. But to my defence, Ebay Exposed has some really compelling stuff.

It hasn't come yet, but I'll be sure to post my thoughts on Andrew's H3 training.

(oh yeah -- and Andrew's customer service department is PHENOMENAL. Courteous, helpful and all that jazz.)

(c) 2007


Dave Lovelace of 6 Figure Marketing has crappy customer service.

It's okay to tell someone "no" when asked a customer service question, but you don't have to go through line-by-line of the complaint and try to make the customer feel like a moron by responding with long explanations of why the customer is so terribly, terribly wrong.

Heaven knows I won't buy anything that he's ever selling.